Traditional Information | Simple Herbal Extracts

Agrimony (flowering tops)

Alfalfa (aerial parts)

American Ginseng (root)

Andrographis (aerial parts)

Angelica (root)

Artichoke (leaf)

Ashwagandha (root)

Astragalus (root)

Bacopa (herb)

Bai-Zhu Atractylodes (root)

Barberry (root)

Bayberry (root bark)

Bergamot (flowering tops)

Beth Root (rhizome)

Black Cohosh (root)

Black Haw (bark)

Black Horehound (aerial parts)

Black Walnut (seed hull)

Blackberry (root)

Bladderwrack (seaweed)

Blessed Thistle (aerial parts)

Blue Cohosh (root)

Blue Vervain (flowering tops)

Blueberry (leaf)

Boneset (flowering tops)

Buchu (leaf)

Bugleweed (flowering tops)

Bupleurum (root)

Burdock Root (root)

Burdock Seed (seed)

Butternut (bark)

Calendula (flowers)

California Poppy (whole plant)

Cardamom Seed (seed)

Cascara Sagrada (bark)

Catnip (flowering tops)

Cat's Claw (wood)

Cayenne (fruit)

Celandine (whole plant)

Celery Seed (seed)

Chaga (fungus)

Chamomile (flowers)

Chaste Tree (fruit)

Chickweed (aerial parts)

Chinese Asparagus (root)

Chinese Peony (root)

Chinese Salvia(root)

Chrysanthemum (flower)

Cilantro (aerial parts)

Cinnamon (bark)

Cleavers (aerial parts)

Clove (bud)


Collinsonia(whole plant)

Cordyceps (mycelium)

Corn Silk (silk)

Corydalis Yanhusuo (rhizome)

Cramp Bark (bark)

Culver's Root (root)

Cyperus Root (root)

Damiana (aerial parts)

Dandelion Leaf (leaf)

Dandelion Root (root)

Devil's Claw (tuber)

Devil's Club (root bark)

Dong Quai (root)

Echinacea Purpurea (root & flower)

Eclipta (aerial parts)

Elderberry (fruit)

Elderflower (flower)

Elecampane (root)

Eleuthero (root)

Eyebright (flowering tops)

False Unicorn (root)

Fennel (seed)

Fenugreek (seed)

Feverfew (flowering tops)

Figwort (aerial parts)

Fringe Tree (root bark)

Gentian (root)

Ginger (rhizome)

Ginkgo (leaf)

Goldenseal (root)

Gotu Kola (aerial parts)

Ground Ivy (aerial parts)

Guaiacum (bark,resin)

Kava (root)

Kelp (seaweed)

Kudzu (root)

Lady's Mantle (aerial parts)

Lavender (flowers)

Lemon Balm (aerial parts)

Lesser Periwinkle (aerial parts)

Licorice (root)

Ligustrum berry (berry)

Linden (flowers)

Lobelia (fresh & dried aerial parts)

Lomatium (root)

Lycium Fruit (fruit)

Maitake (fungus)

Marshmallow (root)

Meadowsweet (aerial parts)

Milk Thistle (seed)

Mistletoe (herb)

Motherwort (aerial parts)

Muira Puama (root)

Mullein (leaf)

Mullein Root (root)

Myrrh (gum resin)

Night Blooming Cereus (stem)

Oat (milky seed)

Ocotillo (stem bark)

Olive (leaf)

Orange Peel (peel)

Oregon Grape Root (root)

Osha (root)

Partridge Berry (aerial parts)

Passionflower (aerial parts)

Pau d'Arco (inner bark)

Pellitory of the Wall (aerial parts)

Peppermint (flowering tops)

Picrorhiza (rhizome)

Pipsissewa (leaf)

Plantain (leaf)

Pleurisy Root (root)

Prickly Ash (bark)

Prince Seng (root)

Propolis (resin)

Quassia (wood)

Raspberry (leaf)

Red Alder Bark (bark)

Red Clover (flowers)

Red Ginseng (root)

Red Root (root)

Rehmannia (processed root)

Reishi (fungus)

Rhodiola (root)

Roman Chamomile (flowers)

Rosemary (aerial parts)

Sage (aerial parts)

Sarsaparilla (rhizome)

Saw Palmetto (berry)

Schisandra (berry)

Self Heal (flowering tops)

Shepherd's Purse (whole plant)

Shiitake (fungus)

Sichuan Teasel (root)

Skullcap (aerial parts)

Solomon's Seal (rhizome)

Spikenard (root)

Spilanthes (aerial parts)

St. John's Wort (flowering tops)

Stillingia (root)

Stinging Nettle Leaf (leaf)

Stinging Nettle Root (root)

Stinging Nettle Seed (seed)

Sweet Annie (aerial parts)

Thuja (leaf)

Thyme (aerial parts)

Tienchi Ginseng (root)

Turmeric (rhizome)

Usnea (lichen)

Uva-Ursi (leaf)

Valerian (root)

Violet (leaf)

Watercress (aerial parts)

White Ash Bark (bark)

White Pond Lily (rhizome)

White Sage (leaf)

Wild Cherry (bark)

Wild Lettuce (tops)

Wild Yam (root)

Guggul (gum resin)

Willow (bark)

Gymnema sylvestre (aerial parts)

Witch Hazel (leaf)

Hawthorn (fruit,leaf & flower)

Wood Betony (flowering tops)

He Shou Wu (root)

Wormwood (aerial parts)

Holy Basil (aerial parts)

Yarrow (tops)

Hops (strobiles)

Yellow Dock (root)

Horehound (flowering tops)

Yellow Root (root)

Horsetail (aerial parts)

Yellow Sweet Clover (flowering tops)

Huang Qin (root)

Yerba Santa (leaf)

Hydrangea (root)


Hyssop (flowering tops)


Indian Pipe (whole plant)


Irish Moss (seaweed)


Isatis (root)


Jamaica Dogwood (root bark)


Japanese Honeysuckle (flowers)


Juniper Berry (berry)


Herbal Therapeutics Research Library, David Winston (RH) AHG

©2012 Herbal Therapeutics Research Library. All rights reserved

*Disclaimer: The information on historical, ethnobotanical and phytotherapeutic uses of herbs and traditional formulas contained herein is based on the experience and research of the author. It is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of a health care professional. The publisher and author are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the information discussed. Should you have any questions concerning the appropriateness of any preparation mentioned, the author strongly suggests consulting a professional health care advisor.