Traditional Research | Clarity Compound

Gotu Kola fresh herb (Centella asiatica)*

Anti-inflammatory and strengthens connective tissue. It is indicated for autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Scleroderma, plus it is useful for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and leprosy. It increases oxygen flow to the brain and peripheral tissue, i.e. feet and hands. Gotu Kola is also used to treat varicose and spider veins.  Topically it is used to prevent scarring from burns and surgery.

Schisandra berry/Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra chinensis)*

Translates as Five Flavor Fruit. This herb is a powerful adaptogen strengthening hypothamic/adrenal function and normalizing nervous system and immune activity.  Schisandra also acts as a mild, non habit forming stimulant increasing energy, focus and kidney qi. In addition it protects the liver from damage caused by toxins or viruses.

Ginkgo leaf (Ginkgo biloba)*

Indicated in cases of chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency such as vasculsar insufficiency headaches, diabetic retinopathy, tinnitis, poor memory and senility. It has both bronchiodilator and anti-inflammatory properties useful in treating asthma. Ginkgo is also used for peripheral arterial insufficiency, varicose veins and impo-tence caused by impaired circulation.

Bacopa herb (Bacopa monnieri)*

An anti-inflammatory, thyroid stimulant, diuretic, and mild cardiotonic agent. Recent research indicates that it is useful for cognitive impairment, anxiety, and hypothyroidism. It is traditionally used for irritation of the genito-urinary, respiratory, and gastro-intestinal tracts. 

Lemon Balm fresh herb (Melissa officinalis)*

A mild, flavorful remedy appropriate for children's colds, stomachaches and headaches. Lemon balm is useful for mild depression especially seasonal affective disorder, mild hypertension, herpes and hyperthyroidism.

Rosemary herb (Rosmarinus officinale)*

A carminative, antioxident, and cholagogue traditionally used in Europe for gas, nausea, liver headaches, biliousness, depression and mental fatigue. Its powerful anti-oxidant activity reduces damage caused by free radicals helping to prevent atherosclerosis, macular degeneration and possibly some types of cancer.


Bartrain, T.  Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, 1995

Beek, Bombardelli, et al, Ginkgo biloba L., Fitoterapia vol. LXIX #3, 1998

Chang & But, P.  Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica, 1986

Kapoor, L.D.  CRC Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants, 1990

Skenderi, G., Herbal Vade Mecum, 2003

Weiss, R.  Herbal Medicine, 1985

Herbal Therapeutics Research Library, David Winston (RH) AHG

©2012 Herbal Therapeutics Research Library. All rights reserved

*Disclaimer: The information on historical, ethnobotanical and phytotherapeutic uses of herbs and traditional formulas contained herein is based on the experience and research of the author. It is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of a health care professional. The publisher and author are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the information discussed. Should you have any questions concerning the appropriateness of any preparation mentioned, the author strongly suggests consulting a professional health care advisor.